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Volunteer Day - Leicester South Foodbank


On Monday, 30th January, Elmhurst employees made the trip to Leicester South Foodbank in Wigston to volunteer as part of our Giving Back Programme.

The Leicester South Foodbank, supported by The Trussell Trust, is part of a nationwide network of food banks working to combat poverty and hunger. Over the last decade, the demand for food banks has increased tenfold and shows no signs of slowing down. Between April 2021 and March 2022, food banks in the Trussell Trust’s network distributed over 2.1 million emergency food parcels to people in crisis [Trussell Trust].

Following a warehouse tour and full training, Elmhurst employees spent their day packing food parcels for those in need, totalling 75 instances. Each instance included three days’ worth of nutritionally balanced food and support for those in crisis. In addition, they were also able to learn about the charity and the amazing work they do across the UK. Elmhurst has donated £1,000 to the charity to further aid their mission to help those in need.

We would like to thank Leicester South Foodbank for their invitation to volunteer and the warm welcome provided on the day.


“With the cost-of-living crisis hard at everyone’s heels, we are so pleased to have been invited as part of our Giving Back Programme to do our little bit to help.” – Carolyn Bruton, Training Coordinator

“It was a good day, and my shoulders and arms enjoyed the workout, less so my legs later… We packed food (for 4 days) for 75 instances of need; for both single people and couples needing help. We also found out more about the charity and how the support extends beyond just providing emergency food, to really help people at a difficult time.” – Dawn Wilkinson, Quality and Compliance Manager

Volunteer Day - Leicester South Foodbank
Volunteer Day - Leicester South Foodbank
Volunteer Day - Leicester South Foodbank
Volunteer Day - Leicester South Foodbank

2023 Chosen Charity – Mind

Elmhurst is proud to announce Mind, a national mental health charity, as our chosen charity for 2023. It’s more important than ever to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health and raise awareness of the problems and treatments available.

  • ‘1 in 4 people experience mental health difficulties at some point in their lives’. [Mind]
  • ‘1 in 6 people experience a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week in England’. [Mind]

With more events to come, we hope you will join us on the journey to better mental health awareness and support.
