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SBEM Online Software Training (Online Live)

Course length 1 Day
Suitable for Qualified NDEAs and NDEA trainees
Qualifications 5 Hours CPD
5 Hours CPD

This 5 hour live webinar will provide an in-depth overview of Elmhurst’s own SBEM software called SBEM Online. The session will cover the use of SBEM Online, with a detailed look at the areas where SBEM offers more efficient data entry compared to iSBEM and other third party SBEM software. An interactive workshop is also included with this course.

Course Content

  • Basic data entry – step by step guide to entering a project into the SBEM Online software.
  • Entering complex geometry and systems into the software – zone shapes other than squares and rectangles, mezzanine floors, zone within a zone, bivalent systems.
  • Utilising the software effectively and managing projects when implementing MEES modelling improvements
  • Q & A

No dates available

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