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Future Buildings Standard & Part L2 Uplift 2021 (On Demand)

Suitable for NDEAs Level 3, 4 & 5, Building Control, Architects, Building Services Engineers. Anyone involved in Part L2 new buildings in England
Qualifications 45 Minutes CPD
£50.00 + VAT
45 Minutes CPD

Suitable for: NDEAs Level 3, 4 & 5, Building Control, Architects, Building Services Engineers. Anyone involved in Part L2 new buildings in England

Webinar Overview
Following the much anticipated publication of the Future Buildings Standard consultation. The MHCLG consultation proposes changes to Part L2 and Part F of the Building Regulations for England and introduces significant implications for anyone involved in the construction of new non-buildings.
It is important for NDEAs to understand the proposals within the consultation and this course will help you and your clients prepare for the change in regulations scheduled for late 2021.


  • A look at current and future Energy Efficiency Policies
  • What is the Future Buildings Standard?
  • Analysis on the consultation for Part L2 (England) and SBEM.
  • Proposed changes to the notional building.
  • Modelling using cSBEMv6 to examine the impact on compliance
  • Timescales and Transitional Arrangements

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