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Introduction to SBEM Online (On Demand)

Suitable for NDEAs Level 3 + 4 in England & Wale
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
£30.00 + VAT
30 Minutes CPD

This online CPD webinar provides a solid introduction to Elmhurst’s leading Non-Domestic software, SBEM Online.

  • Introduction to Elmhurst Energy’s SBEM interface “SBEM Online” for Non-Domestic Level 3 and 4 EPC assessments in England & Wales (not currently available for Scotland or NI)
  • Creating assessments, data entry and modelling guidance
  • Increased visual prompts for data entry decreasing the likely-hood of human errors and reduce audit failures.
  • Learn how SBEM Online’s 2D “Plan View” can reduce geometry inputting time, making you more productive.

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