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Government launches 'Review of Net Zero' Call for Evidence


The government has appointed the Conservative MP Chris Skidmore to lead an independent review of net zero, to find the most efficient and fastest ways to reach the climate target. The former energy and climate minister has released a call for evidence to support the review, and has been given until the end of the year to present his findings to the prime minister.

The review will aim to ensure that the UK’s fight against climate change maximises economic growth, while increasing energy security and affordability for consumers and businesses. It will also look at how to incentivise businesses to take up the green industrial revolution and increase growth.

The Net Zero Review in Short

This review will identify new ways to deliver the legally binding Net Zero target by 2050 examining:

• what the most pro-business, pro-growth and economically efficient path to reaching net zero is

• how to maximise the economic opportunities that the target presents as well as increase innovation, investment, exports and jobs

• what the economic costs and benefits are associated with new and emerging policies and technologies

Read Government Press Release

Why is net zero being reviewed?

The review comes a year after the government published its Net Zero Strategy, setting out an overarching approach to carbon neutrality. Since then, there has been major changes to the economic and political landscape. These changes have placed huge pressures on households and businesses and make it vital that the UK reaches Net Zero in a way that avoids exporting industry and emissions overseas.

A number of businesses, landlords and local authorities are just getting on with net zero, by making their buildings more energy efficient, however the UK needs to go further in creating a supply-and-demand-side revolution in renewable and clean energy and energy efficiency measures.

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) published a damming progress report back in June, which was highly critical of government for its failure to deliver on its earlier commitments outlined within the Net Zero Strategy. The CCC reported that without new incentives or measures to shift behaviour, the government will struggle to deliver on planned emissions reductions. Their recommendations included further action to improve the performance of all buildings, increase the take up of low-carbon heat, and deliver more public engagement and energy advice.

About the call for evidence

A broader call for evidence has been released to give the general public, businesses and industry, a chance to provide their views on the opportunities, challenges and improvements required, when it comes to net zero.

The call for evidence is open until the 27th October and includes 30 questions, split between the following sections:

  • Overarching questions
  • Questions for businesses
  • Questions for the public
  • Questions for local government, communities and other organisations
  • Questions for academia and innovators

Elmhurst’s Head of Operations, Josh Wakeling, comments:

“Elmhurst is encouraged by this review, with the chair promising bolder green policies and stating that the government will not abandon or delay it’s net zero target. Like the CCC, Elmhurst has continued to ask for more immediate action in this area, with the industry, and building owners left waiting on policy which is yet to arrive. We hope that this important call for evidence will spark a new lease of life into the country’s net zero journey.”

Elmhurst will be reviewing the Call for Evidence in detail and will be sharing our draft response with members in due course. We would also encourage our members to formulate their own response to this call for evidence.


Call for Evidence link: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/review-of-net-zero-call-for-evidence

Closing date: 27 Oct 2022

Respond Online: https://beisgovuk.citizenspace.com/nzs/call-for-evidence-on-net-zero-review/

Email to: netzeroreview@beis.gov.uk
