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DEC Assessors excluded from proposed performance-based framework - your chance to have your say


In October 2019, the Government told the Climate Change Committee that it would consult on introducing a new scheme that would rate commercial and industrial buildings based on their actual energy consumption and carbon emissions. On 17th March 2021 the Performance-Based Policy Framework in large Commercial & Industrial Buildings in England and Wales consultation was published with proposals to deliver on that commitment. It seeks views on the Government’s proposal to introduce a national performance-based framework for assessing energy use and carbon emissions in commercial and industrial buildings above 1,000m² in England and Wales. The deadline for responding to the Consultation is 9th June 2021.

Elmhurst are disappointed to see that the NABERS framework appears to be the preferred methodology, in preference to an enhanced DEC process. The Display Energy Certificate is a government approved methodology, present and established within England and Wales since 2008. The DEC produces an operational rating, based on key primary inputs like; floor area, fuel consumption, location, and occupancy hours, along with an outdated benchmark system. The new performance based framework consists of these exact inputs to produce a NABERS style star rating. However, both methodologies represent the same thing – an in-use energy assessment.  So why has the DEC not been used to help develop the new framework?

We urge the government to invest their existing methodology that is regulated, quality assured and supported via established schemes, who compete on both quality of service and price, and delivered through the use of a skilled work force – DEC Assessors.

We have now created our ‘draft’ consultation response and ask members to have a read and either tell us what you think, or, even better, complete your own response. There is no one better placed to comment than the Elmhurst members who spend their lives analysing and improving the energy efficiency of non-domestic buildings.

You can read Elmhurst’s draft consultation response here.


Our key messages are:

  1. We build upon the existing infrastructure to remain inclusive and efficient
  2. The DEC methodology is modernised and improved to meet the needs of the new framework with updated benchmarks
  3. Create a smarter and more engaging output document
  4. The ratings and relevant documentation are lodged to the EPBR Register
  5. Use past DEC data from the Register to assist the process of updating sector benchmarks
  6. Use the income from lodging to the Register to reinvest in to the analysis of data, creating tools like league table’s
  7. Reinforce a competitive market for all schemes, increasing opportunities for our energy assessor workforce NOT restricted to just one administrator
  8. Extend the remit of DEC Assessors to undertake assessments on all non-domestic buildings NOT just public buildings


Elmhurst is now seeking input on this draft consultation which will influence its final response before it is submitted by the 9th June 2021 deadline. The final submission will also be published for the benefit of members.

Government have indicated the results of the consultation to appear in legislation in December 2021 for adoption in the summer of 2022.
