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Elmhurst issues final response to 'Introducing a Performance-Based Policy Framework in large Commercial and Industrial Buildings in England and Wales'


Elmhurst Energy has published its final response to the ‘Introducing a Performance-Based Policy Framework in large Commercial and Industrial Buildings in England and Wales’ Consultation. This consultation focuses on the implementation and development of a new, mandatory in-use energy performance methodology for non-domestic buildings over 1000m2

Read Elmhurst’s response

Introducing a mandatory in-use energy assessment is a positive move towards improving the transparency and management of energy use in our non-domestic buildings. We are finally moving forward and it’s exciting to see the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) consulting on this type of assessment.

We have been able to collate the opinions of our members and use our own technical expertise to publish our response to the performance-based methodology consultation. It’s imperative that we use our influence within our industry to analyse possible effects on our members, fairly representing them.

Our overall argument is that we rely on and work upon the existing Display Energy Certificate methodology with suitable modifications to include the NABERS framework in order to achieve the Governments requirements. We have summarised our key points below:

  • We build upon the existing infrastructure to remain inclusive and efficient
  • The DEC methodology is modernised and improved to meet the needs of the new framework with updated benchmarks
  • Create a smarter and more engaging output document
  • The ratings and relevant documentation are lodged to the EPBR Register
  • Use past DEC data from the Register to assist the process of updating sector benchmarks
  • Use the income from lodging to the Register to reinvest in analysing data, creating tools like league table’s
  • Reinforce a competitive market for all schemes, increasing opportunities for our energy assessor workforce NOT restricted to just one administrator
  • Extend the remit of DEC Assessors to undertake assessments on all non-domestic buildings NOT just public buildings


Read Elmhurst’s response to ‘Introducing a Performance Based Policy Framework in large Commercial and Industrial Buildings in England and Wales.’
