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Scotland release call for evidence on energy efficiency regulations in commercial buildings


On the 6th December 2021, the Scottish Government launched a call for evidence on “Regulations of Energy Efficiency in existing non-domestic buildings”. They’re seeking evidence from industry concerning three approaches to improve the energy efficiency of non-domestic buildings to zero emissions heating.

These are:

1. Measures-based approach – specifying a list of improvement measures that must be considered to reduce the energy demand associated with a non-domestic building. This could involve developing the existing Assessment of Energy Performance of Non-domestic Building Regulations 2016.

2. Minimum standards approach – setting a standard for the building’s operation under standardised conditions, most typically based on achieving a certain EPC rating for modelled energy use or emissions.

3. Operational ratings approach – using the actual energy consumption and CO2e emissions from use of non-domestic buildings, as the basis for a regulatory approach.

This Call for Evidence is the first stage in developing a new regulatory framework for energy efficiency and zero emission heat in non-domestic buildings for Scotland. A formal public consultation on our detailed proposals for regulation in Scotland will be carried out in 2022.

Elmhurst is currently drafting its responses and we ask members to read the consultations and either provide your comments to us, or, even better, complete your own response. There is no one better placed to comment than the Elmhurst members who spend their careers analysing and improving the energy efficiency of non-domestic buildings.

“This is great news for non-domestic energy assessors in Scotland, it shows that the Scottish Government are keen to clean up some of the existing issues with Section 63 and invest in the energy efficiency of existing non-domestic buildings. The EPC is a valuable tool for this and should be utilised in regulations.”

More Information: https://consult.gov.scot/energy-and-climate-change-directorate/energy-efficiency-non-domestic-buildings/

