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Elmhurst's new partnership will help SMEs win more public contracts


Elmhurst has partnered with bid writing and tender management specialists, AM Bid, in order to help energy and retrofit members win more public contracts.

Why is public contract work important for energy and retrofit professionals?

EPC and retrofit work is regularly advertised through public contracts. Government agencies, local authorities and other social housing groups are the typical suppliers of these contracts, which are made available online.

These contracts are worth considering as they offer energy and retrofit professionals a large volume of work – which can be worth a significant amount of money. They offer sustainable business, fast payment and guaranteed work.

Over the last year, Elmhurst has been able to share a number of public contract opportunities which require EPC and whole house retrofit work; most have been suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and are worth between £10,000 and £1,000,000 each!

About AM Bid, and Ultimate Tender Coach

AM Bid are bid, proposal and tender specialists who provide bid consultancy, management and writing services. They have a wealth of experience in this area, and boast an impressive 80%+ success rate when it comes to UK organisations winning work from public contracts.

AM Bid has identified that many SMEs require additional help and support with bidding, because it’s difficult to know where to even begin and it’s not easy to do well. As a result, they created a solution specifically for SMEs – Ultimate Tender Coach.
Ultimate Tender Coach is an online training programme that provides the knowledge SMEs need to navigate the public procurement process, and to develop compelling tender responses that will help them win more business.

Partnership with Elmhurst

Elmhurst believes that Ultimate Tender Coach can equip energy and retrofit members with the relevant skills and knowledge to confidently tender for, and win, public contracts. As a result of our new partnership, members will be able to use an exclusive offer code which will give them 10% off the advertised price (£2995 + VAT).

If you want more information about how Ultimate Tender Coach can help your business specifically, you can book a free 30 minute strategy session with AM Bid to discuss your public contract ambitions, and how Ultimate Tender Coach can help you.

You can book your free strategy session and find out more about Ultimate Tender Coach by clicking below:
