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International Women's Day - 2022


It’s International Women’s Day! This year’s theme is ‘break the bias’, which could not be more fitting for what we’re trying to do at Elmhurst; breaking down stereotypes and championing women in a traditionally male dominated industry.

Elmhurst recently held its second Women’s Forum to discuss how we can better support women in the industry. The event was well attended with members joining from all over the country – from Scotland, Wales and even from a layby in Essex!

Elmhurst Business Manager Fiona Wilson led the session, talking through what Elmhurst has done in the last six months to promote the work of our female members:

  • Creating a dedicated Facebook Group for women in the industry
  • Overhauling the imagery to include more women
  • Creating case study profiles
  • Establishing the first women’s forum

The Facebook group for women has proven to be particularly popular, which now boasts over 150 members and averages two posts per day! For many this has provided a supportive environment where members can ask questions, share problems and get to know other women working in the industry.

It’s great to see the Facebook group provide a sense of community, and the positive atmosphere and willingness to help each other out was in full swing at the Forum where new entrants and more established members swapped tips on how to find work, establish yourself and set your prices.

One member commented that she was having trouble finding work with estate agents as many already have contracted DEAs who they work with, so another member offered her advice to approach smaller independent agents who are usually more flexible.

Another offered “charge what you think you’re worth. Never go too cheap because it’s an honorable job.”

The topic of personal safety also came up, relating to lone working, and what strategies everyone uses to stay safe. This included personal alarms and phone alerts, which are easily available to purchase or set up on a mobile device. You can read more about personal safety and lone working on the Elmhurst website.

Fiona Wilson commented: The Women’s Forum was fantastic. A great turn out, with some equally great ideas and conversations. It is fantastic to see and hear women supporting women, and to be able to provide places and situations for our members to talk through any concerns or questions they have about the industry as a whole.

“We were lucky, and continue to be lucky, that we have such a strong and confident core of Energy Assessors who are more than happy to step up and support those that are newer to the industry, or need that extra support. I am looking forward to implementing some of the ideas we discussed, and hearing more feedback from our members on what more we can do.”

Join our Facebook Group for Women

Hear the stories of those working in the industry.
