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Elmhurst Relaunches Inventory Scheme!


Want to stand out from the crowd? Looking to supplement your income? Why not train to carry out Inventory Reports and join Elmhurst’s recognised Inventory Competency Scheme!

Elmhurst is delighted to unveil its new online Inventory course, which has been updated with the latest industry standards and data gathering techniques.

Inventory Reports are the perfect add-on service for those already conducting site visits; they’re quick and straightforward to complete, making them easy to carry out alongside other work and assessments.

You can purchase the course for just £195 plus VAT (down from £295). Those who have completed the course, or experienced Inventory Clerks, can apply to join the scheme after completing a short test for only £45 (previously £95)!  Both offers are only available until the 16th November 2022, so you’d better be quick!


Inventory Scheme Member Adeel Razak, owner of DEA Inventory & EPC services, comments: “We joined this scheme as it’s a recognized accreditation body. The look of the certificate makes it look extremely professional and really stands out to the client. The scheme has allowed us to expand our business and open up new opportunities.”

By joining Elmhurst’s competency scheme you will stand out as someone who is able to demonstrate competence and quality to clients. Furthermore, as a member of the scheme you will also receive:

✅ Special discounted rates on Inventory Hive Software
✅ Professional report templates and certificates
✅ Pay per click insurance
✅ Professional recognition for being part of a certified scheme
✅ High quality promotional materials

Want to find out more?

Take a look at our Inventory training course and competency scheme.
