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All I want for Christmas is an EPC


With Christmas just a few days away we thought why not inject some energy efficiency into the festivities! And what better way than suggesting some EPC improvements to our little gingerbread friend here? At the moment, his house isn’t very energy efficient!

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Starting with the walls and roof of his gingerbread house, we don’t think that one simple layer of confectionary is going to do much to keep out the chill this winter! We’d recommend fitting some external wall marzipan insulation, underfloor icing insulation and some candy floss roof insulation at joists to keep the heat in and reduce the cost of his bills!

The single layer sugar glass windows, while a lovely sight, won’t do much to keep out the draught! Some proper double glazing will do wonders to keep in the warmth while the winter wind blows outside.

We’d even recommend installing a candy cane wind turbine and some Christmas biscuit Solar Panels to help reduce the amount of CO2 emissions produced by the house!

Will these improvements make a difference to our Gingerbread Mans’ EPC? Let’s find out! ⬇️

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Oh dear, it appears one of our assessors got a bit peckish while on the job!

Merry Christmas all, and have a Happy New Year!
