Heating Our Homes: Call for Evidence to Revolutionise Heating Across the UK
The Energy Security and Net Zero Committee (ESNZ) is inviting submissions of evidence for its ongoing inquiry, ‘Heating Our Homes’, which investigates the changes needed to deliver energy-efficient homes across the UK. This forms part of a series of four recently launched inquiries and closes for submissions on Friday, 25th August.
In July 2023, the Energy Security and Net Zero Committee held an engagement event. This invited stakeholders and organisations from the energy and environment sectors to meet with Members of Parliament and help inform the new Committee’s work.
It is following this event that the Committee has now launched four new inquiries, including:
- Preparing for the winter – Examining lessons from recent high energy prices, the customer protections offered by Ofgem and legislation regarding pricing controls.
- Heating our homes – Investigating the changes needed to deliver energy efficient homes across the UK and how the Government can support innovation.
- A flexible grid for the future – Looking at what needs to be done to ensure the UK has effective infrastructure to deliver capacity for the future.
- Keeping the power on: our future energy technology mix – Exploring how the UK energy mix needs to change to deliver enough capacity while delivering against Net Zero targets.
Each inquiry will allow the Committee to consider the evidence submitted and is likely to result in the publication of a report.
Heating Our Homes: Investigating changes to deliver energy efficiency
The Heating Our Homes inquiry looks at issues surrounding the ability of UK consumers to heat their homes and take control of their energy bills. It will examine how the Government can support innovation and consider the affordability of the switch to decarbonised heating.
The inquiry covers energy efficiency, heat pumps and other new technologies, new builds and renovation, infrastructure problems, and the requirement for a skilled workforce.
The Committee’s inquiry proposes the following questions:
- What policy changes are needed to deliver energy efficient homes across the UK?
- What are the key factors contributing to the under-delivery of the UK’s government-backed retrofit schemes?
- Which standards and assessment frameworks are needed to deliver a reliable, skilled workforce capable of transitioning UK homes to modern heating solutions?
- How might the Government support innovation in delivering local solutions?
- What role should customer choice play in the future planning of energy networks for home heating?
- Does the current state of consumer protections for low-carbon home technologies represent a barrier to uptake of these products?
- How will the public be able to afford the switch to decarbonised heating?
- How will decarbonisation plans be drawn up in each area?
- Do the current EPC frameworks help consumers make informed decisions on transition?
- Do standards need to differ for different types of housing?
- What is the role of different levels of Government in developing, funding and implementing schemes?
Elmhurst’s Response:
“Elmhurst welcomes the opportunity to respond to this call for evidence regarding the Heating of Homes within the UK.
The current Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) requires further enhancement to provide consumers with more information and clarity to help them make informed decisions. As highlighted in the Elmhurst Almanac, the EPC should display the three ‘Cs’ (energy cost, energy carbon, and energy consumption).
It is essential for the Government to free up access to data. This will enable social housing providers and other building owners to better understand the needs of their homes and the suitability for renewable technology.
In regard to RdSAP, Elmhurst would like to see RdSAP 10 implemented as soon as possible. Following this, the Government should commit to frequent updates to the SAP, RdSAP, and SBEM methodologies (at least every 3 years) to keep pace with technology and not act as a barrier to innovation.
Finally, the industry should aim to utilise energy assessors to collect data. This will allow the suitability of homes for renewable technology to be assessed and, through the exchange of data, make the sales, design, and installation process more efficient.
Elmhurst will submit a full response to the inquiry shortly.”
Click the following link to respond to the inquiry: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/7830/heating-our-homes/
Click the following link to view the Government’s news release: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/7830/heating-our-homes/news/196315/new-inquiries-protecting-consumers-this-winter-a-priority-as-energy-security-and-net-zero-committee-announces-programme-of-work/
The submission for evidence closes on Friday, 25th August.