Building to Net Zero: Elmhurst Responds to Key Consultations
On 13th December 2023, the government released a number of consultations aimed at shaping the future of energy efficiency standards in England’s new homes and buildings; ensuring that they are fit and ready for net zero.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) published a consultation detailing plans for achieving the Future Homes and Building Standards due in 2025. Plans which would see new buildings decarbonised. It outlined potential next steps for key areas, such as:
- Building Regulations
- Conservation of Fuel and Power currently covered in AD L: Volumes 1 and 2
- Ventilation – AD F
- Overheating – AD O
- Replacement of SAP with the Home Energy Model
- Using the Home Energy Model to calculate compliance with the Future Homes Standard
Alongside this, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) published two consultations, which covered the Home Energy Model, a new energy calculation methodology which will replace the existing Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP).
Elmhurst has now submitted its response to these consultations, with input from its valued new build energy professionals.
Read Response to the Future Homes and Building Standard Consultation
Take a look at Elmhurst’s consultation response to ‘The Future Homes and Buildings Standards: 2023 consultation’ by clicking below.
Read Response to Home Energy Model Consultations
Take a look at Elmhurst’s consultation responses to ‘Home Energy Model: replacement for the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP)’ and the ‘Home Energy Model: Future Homes Standard assessment’.
READ RESPONSE (HEM replacement for SAP) READ RESPONSE (HEM: Future Homes Standard)
Elmhurst’s Response Summary
A summary of the key responses we have submitted following the consultation can be found below:
- With regards to the whole dwelling performance standard options for new homes Elmhurst supports Option 1. Option 2 will result in homes with higher fuel bills than Part L 2021 which we do not believe is an acceptable position for the industry especially in the current cost of living crisis.
- The proposed improved standards for Material Change of Use are welcome as currently these homes suffer from higher fuel bills and carbon emissions compared to new homes.
- We support the use of real world performance measurement of new homes and also the requirement for commissioning of ventilation systems to be completed by members of a competent persons scheme.
- Elmhurst supports a six month implementation period for the Future Homes Standard and agrees that transitional arrangements for previous versions of Part L should be ended as soon as possible.
- The Home Energy Model is a significant change for the industry. Elmhurst generally supports the development of a new methodology however we have concerns over the proposed delivery model, lack of clear roadmap for revision of the PCDB and speed of generating results due to the increased complexity of the engine.
- In order to avoid the issues that occurred with the implementation of SAP 10 Government and BRE must work closely with industry to ensure the Home Energy Model is fully finished when the Future Homes Standard is announced to allow development of software in a timely manner.
- Elmhurst agrees that the TER, TPER and FEE metrics should be used to set performance requirements for the Future Homes and Buildings Standards
- Elmhurst’s view is that all buildings irrespective of being low energy demand or not should have to comply with regulations, and there should be no exemptions for unoccupied buildings.
- Elmhurst supports the proposed changes to minimum building services efficiencies and controls outlined in section 6 of the document, and also suggests that some consideration is given to the introduction of an Air Conditioning scheme for domestic buildings.
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