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IES Overheating Training with Dynamic Thermal Modelling (Remote)

£600.00 + VAT
Course length 1 Day Live Training + 21 Hours pre-requisite
Suitable for Those wanting learn how to complete Overheating assessment
This 1-day online course will give you the knowledge you need to confidently use the overheating tools in IES enabling you to complete overheating assessments using dynamic thermal modelling in the IES software.  

Introduction to Part O: Overheating (On Demand)

£50.00 + VAT
Suitable for OCDEAs, Level 4 NDEAs
Qualifications 1 Hour CPD
An introduction to Part O: Overheating

Introduction to SBEM Online (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for NDEAs Level 3 + 4 in England & Wale
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This online CPD webinar provides a solid introduction to Elmhurst's leading Non-Domestic software, SBEM Online. It also provides 30 Minutes CPD.

MEES Exemptions for NDEA (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for NDEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This webinar aims to provide information on MEES and any exemptions which may be applicable to commercial properties, identifying key points in the guidance documents which could influence the standing of commercial properties in regards to MEES.

Non-Domestic Auditing Update (On Demand)

£33.00 + VAT
Suitable for Non-Domestic Energy Assessors, DEC Assessors and Air Con Assessors
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This webinar aims to provide information on the recent changes to the non domestic strand (NDEA, DEC & ACEA) auditing process, provides a detail explanation of the Smart Rules for each strand and how the industry is moving forward.

Non-Domestic Update by Ian Almond (On Demand)

£20.00 + VAT
Suitable for Non-Domestic Energy Assessors
Qualifications 20 Minutes CPD
Ian Almond, long standing trainer spanning across Stroma Certification and Elmhurst, provides an update on developments in the Non-Domestic sector which was presented at the Elmhurst National Conference 2024.

Part Z: Embodied Carbon (On Demand)

£25.00 + VAT
Suitable for OCDEAs, and NDEAs
Qualifications 20 Minutes CPD
Will Arnold of The Institution of Structural Engineers, delivers a talk on 'Part Z– The Industry Proposal to Regulate Embodied Carbon’ at Elmhurst's 30th Anniversary Conference.

Psi-Value 2D AutoPSI Competency Training (Remote)

£870.00 + VAT
Course length 2 Days
Suitable for Existing OCDEAs, NDEAs and other persons conducting thermal bridging calculations
Qualifications 10 Hours CPD
The Psi Value Competency course aims to provide assessors (and others) with training in undertaking 2D  thermal bridging calculations for junctions for entry into SAP. This course also provides an introduction to AutoPSI psi-value software. nbsp.

SBEM Online Software Training (Remote)

£90.00 + VAT
Course length 1 Day
Suitable for Qualified NDEAs and NDEA trainees
Qualifications 5 Hours CPD
This 5 hour live webinar will provide an in-depth overview of Elmhurst’s own SBEM software called SBEM Online.

Section 63 Competency (On Demand)

£400.00 + VAT
Suitable for 10 Hours CPD
Qualifications NDEAs and DEC Assessors
Assessors can obtain the relevant competency in Scotland's Section 63 legislation with Elmhurst's online course. This course provides an overview of this legislation and the actions that assessors must take.

U-Value Competency (Remote)

£295.00 + VAT
Course length 6 Hours
Suitable for Individuals completing U-Value calculations
Qualifications 5 Hours CPD
Advance your knowledge of U-Values and build on your existing skills with this 1-day course. Upon successful completion you can apply to join Elmhurst's U-Value Competency Scheme and demonstrate your expertise to clients.  

Understanding Heat Pumps (On Demand)

£50.00 + VAT
Suitable for Domestic, Non Domestic, On Construction Energy Assessor and Retrofit Professionals
Qualifications 1.5 Hours CPD
This Understanding Heat Pumps course is designed to be undertaken as CPD (Continuing Professional Development).