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Part Z: Embodied Carbon (On Demand)

£25.00 + VAT
Suitable for OCDEAs, and NDEAs
Qualifications 20 Minutes CPD
Will Arnold of The Institution of Structural Engineers, delivers a talk on 'Part Z– The Industry Proposal to Regulate Embodied Carbon’ at Elmhurst's 30th Anniversary Conference.

Party Walls (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for Qualified DEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This online CPD webinar is an opportunity to really get to grips with identifying and understanding party walls.

PAS 2035 Awareness (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for DEAs
Qualifications 30 minutes CPD 
This online CPD webinar provides a good introduction to PAS 2035, the over-arching document in the retrofit standards framework.

Property Inventory (On Demand)

£200.00 + VAT
Suitable for DEAs, Estate Agents and Landlords.
Qualifications 4 Hours CPD
Are you an estate agent or energy assessor looking to get more value out of each property visit? This online course can be done in your own time and once complete provides the opportunity to join Elmhurst Energy’s Inventory Competency Scheme.

Property Windows (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for DEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This Online CPD webinar is an opportunity to improve your knowledge of window data collection in RdSAP.

RdSAP 10: The Basics

£0.00 + VAT
Suitable for Domestic Energy Assessors (DEAs)
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
Elmhurst's Existing Dwellings Technical Manager, Damien Roberts, provides a basic overview of RdSAP 10 and the changes the new methodology is set to bring in. This presentation is free to watch and was delivered at the Elmhurst National Conference 2024.

Renewable Energy Awareness (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for DEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This online CPD webinar is an overview of Renewable energy and its sources including the use of Appendix Q.

Retrofit Assessor Standard and Energy House 2.0 by Richard Fitton (On Demand)

£25.00 + VAT
Suitable for Domestic Energy Assessors and Retrofit Assessors
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
Richard Fitton, professor at Salford University, provides an update on the Retrofit Assessor standard and an insight in to the Energy House 2.0 – a building physics test lab based at Salford University. This talk was presented at the Elmhurst National Conference 2024.

Retrofit Coordinator Awareness (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for DEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This online CPD webinar provides an overview of the Retrofit Coordinator role including training and accreditation information.

Room in the Roof (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for DEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This online CPD webinar is an opportunity to really get to grips with identifying rooms in the roof.

Section 63 Competency (On Demand)

£400.00 + VAT
Suitable for 10 Hours CPD
Qualifications NDEAs and DEC Assessors
Assessors can obtain the relevant competency in Scotland's Section 63 legislation with Elmhurst's online course. This course provides an overview of this legislation and the actions that assessors must take.

Thermal Bridging- Mod 1: Introduction & Theory (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for OCDEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This module will look at the basic theory of Thermal Bridging and why it is important in construction.

Thermal Bridging- Mod 2: Junctions in SAP 2012 (On Demand)

£30.00 + VAT
Suitable for OCDEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
Module 2 of Elmhurst's thermal bridging course looks at each of the 42 junctions currently recognised in SAP 2012

Thermal Bridging- Mod 3: Conventions, Room in the Roof and Data Entry (On Demand)

£20.00 + VAT
Suitable for OCDEAs
Qualifications 30 Minutes CPD
This module will look at each of the 42 junctions currently recognised in SAP 2012

Understanding Heat Pumps

£50.00 + VAT
Suitable for Domestic, Non Domestic, On Construction Energy Assessor and Retrofit Professionals
Qualifications 1.5 Hours CPD
This Understanding Heat Pumps course is designed to be undertaken as CPD (Continuing Professional Development).  

Understanding Non-Traditional Domestic Construction

£40.00 + VAT
Suitable for Domestic Energy Assessor and Retrofit Professionals
Qualifications 1 Hour CPD
This course equips Domestic Energy Assessor and Retrofit Professionals with the expertise to identify and understand system-built and non-traditional construction properties