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Domestic Retrofit Policy, Performance and Risk (On Demand)

Suitable for DEAs, Retrofit Assessors and Retrofit Coordinators
Qualifications 20 Minutes CPD
£25.00 + VAT
20 Minutes CPD

Professor David Glew, of Leeds Sustainability Institute delivers an insightful talk at Elmhurst’s 30th Anniversary conference.

In his talk, David examines the significance of retrofit policy and assesses its performance, including the associated risks. Additionally, he presents on his team’s findings from a practical research project that compared deep retrofit to piecemeal retrofits.

About Professor David Glew

Professor Glew is the Director of the Leeds Sustainability Institute (LSI) at Leeds Beckett University and Head of Energy Efficiency and Policy where he leads interdisciplinary research into sustainable urban environments. The LSI’s work in developing the coheating test over the past few decades was revolutionary for the ability to provide actual measured performance of buildings, which was fundamental to the performance gap becoming an accepted phenomenon in the construction industry.

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