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U-Value Competency (Classroom)

Course length 1 Day
Suitable for Individuals completing U-Value calculations
Qualifications 5 Hours CPD

Course Overview

Elmhurst’s U-Value Competency course and scheme is aimed at individuals who wish to gain additional validity for their U-Value calculations. Our reputable scheme reinforces the good work of assessors by providing a robust framework that monitors their work, and provides a recognised seal of approval to prospective clients.

During the course you will use the Elmhurst U-Value calculator while advancing your knowledge of U-Values and building on your existing skills.

If you do not have a copy of the Elmhurst U-Value Calculator please contact the OCDEA Support Team on 01455 883236 in advance of the course.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be eligible to join Elmhurst’s U-Value Scheme which gives you access to Elmhurst U-Value Competency Scheme logo for marketing purposes and inclusion on Elmhurst’s list of competent scheme members on the Elmhurst website.

  • Introduction to U-Values & overview of scheme
  • Science of thermal performance
  • Principals of U-Values calculations
  • A look at BR443 – U-Value calculation conventions
  • Supervised U-Value calculation workshops
  • Q & A
  • Complete the booking form reference AP111 on line
  • Attend our One Day U-Value Course (CPD course &/or entry course to competency scheme)
  • 10 test cases provided during training course – 4 weeks to complete test cases with 100% pass rate requirement*
  • Subject to satisfactory completion of test cases you will attain certification of defined areas of competency detailed below –
    • The combined calculation method BS EN ISO 6946:2007
    • U-Value Conventions BR443: 2006
    • Floors (slab on ground & suspended) BS EN ISO 13370: 2007
    • Elements covered – Masonry & timber walls, roofs & floors

No dates available

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